Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, VTMScan will also scan subdomains of your website, which you can add separately for scanning.

Yes, VTMScan can schedule scans as per the user's time frame so that it won't affect the user's website during peak time. The user will be provided with a custom scan option where he can set his time frame.

OS Detection is one of the striking features of VTMScan. Most of the time, the website is coded very securely and is very hard to crack, so hackers target website server Operating Systems. VTMScan detects your Operating System and lists down vulnerabilities regarding that website.

VTMScan checks for all ports on the server. It finds out all open ports and services/products running on those ports. It checks those products in the vulnerability database and alerts if any product is vulnerable.

VTMScan does not install any agent. VTMScan also takes care that it sends you harmless requests and payloads, which will not affect the performance and availability of the user website.

OWASP stands for the Open Web Application Security Project, a non-profit organization that focuses on improving the security of software. The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the most critical web application security risks. It is updated every few years to reflect changes in the security landscape.

A web application firewall (WAF) is an appliance, server plugin, or filter that applies rules to an HTTP conversation. Generally, these rules cover common attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. By customizing the rules to your application, many attacks can be identified and blocked. However, the effort to perform this customization can be significant and needs to be maintained as the application is modified.

eNlight Web VPN is a cutting-edge, cloud-hosted clientless VPN solution designed to provide secure access to privately hosted applications. It offers multiple layers of security, including a built-in Web Application Firewall (WAF) for Layer 7 security. It simplifies identity integration, supports multi-factor authentication, and safeguards digital assets from web-based threats like SQL injection and XSS.

Content Change Monitoring compares the current state of your website with the snapshot of your website, which was taken by you earlier and informed if any changes are observed on the website.

Cross-site request forgery, also known as one-click attack or session riding and abbreviated as CSRF or XSRF, is a type of malicious exploit of a website where unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the website trusts. Unlike cross-site scripting (XSS), which exploits the trust a user has for a particular site, CSRF exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser.

Yes, VTMScan supports authentication-based scanning, viz., access and web-based authentication.

Cross-site request forgery, also known as one-click attack or session riding and abbreviated as CSRF or XSRF, is a type of malicious exploit of a website where unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the website trusts. Unlike cross-site scripting (XSS), which exploits the trust a user has for a particular site, CSRF exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser.

Yes, CMS is detected in VTMScan. Types of CMS that are detected and scanned are WordPress, Joomla, vBulletin and Drupal.

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